Otherly Press
Otherly Press, in a somewhat different guise, began working in digital spaces in 2006, producing innovative websites exploring history and popular culture, as well as more experimental works synthesizing animation, html, video and poetry. Later under our Maximum Felix Media and Dilettante Ink imprints we released books of poetry and short stories through print-on-demand platforms, as well as experimental music through Apple Music, and video works on YouTube, while developing other projects in the online arts niche. We have previously designed and developed apps; one that anonymised email, but with a humorous bent, and another that expanded a very popular enhanced-reality space with wry and amusing social media oriented features.
Today we continue our practice of experimenting in the syncretisation of traditional and digital media.

In 2022 The Book Of Fables, a collection of stories which featured wonderful hand-drawn wraparound cover art by illustrator Andre Sobas, was published under our Dilettante Ink imprint.

In 2016 the track Breaking The Surface was created on a 1985 Casiotone MT-540 integrated with GarageBand and a voice modulation app. The song featured on the four track EP New Love Songs For Humanoid Robots, by Max Felix, released through Apple Music.

In 2015 we used Google’s Deep Dream and NASA’s New Horizons mission to discover the fish-eyed centipedes of Pluto…whether they are merely the wild prognostications of some nascent, superior intelligence, or remain latent below that far frozen surface, as yet remains to be seen.

In the early months of 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, we released COVID-22 through our Maximum Felix Media imprint. A long narrative poem that employed lyric poetry, Greek chorus, concrete poetry, news articles, linocut and other techniques to explore a world in which a mutated form of the virus was causing madness, chaos, apocalypse and rapture. It was initially banned by Apple Books, Ingram Spark, and Amazon.

New Works
At the moment we are again experimenting, combining classic html with cutting edge machine learning, the primitive with the primal, the 8 bit with the divine. The exact results, for now, remain unpredictable.